Monday, October 27, 2008

It's a Scary World Out There

Yesterday, I learned that one of our student's here in dinky little FMS was abducted from her bedroom, at knife-point, and sexually assaulted. 6th grader. I don't have her in any of my classes, don't have any older brothers or sisters, don't even know her, but still. This is the type of thing that happens somewhere else. Somewhere that doesn't really touch me or people I know and care about.

Actually, this isn't supposed to happen at all. Despite what popular media may have you believe, people don't just break into your house and steal your baby. They don't.

Except they did.

Until yesterday, I lived in a world where I mostly slept with the doors unlocked. I knew I was safe. I knew my kids were safe.

Now I wonder. This was pretty close to home. All the details aren't out yet, so I can still cling to the belief that the guy somehow knew her and her family - was maybe even a family friend - someone who had some sort of sanctioned access to the home, some sort of connection. Not just a guy who randomly broke into this house and randomly chose this girl, because that still doesn't happen, right?


Monday, October 20, 2008

All May Be Well

Janet Swenson, I do so love you!! Thanks for believing in me. I think I can do this now.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am amazed by people and their talents.

I like to believe that I am a fairly intelligent woman. I'm well educated, well read, and successful, so that seems to support my thinking. But sometimes I simply get blocked.

I have previously spoken of the Red Cedar Writing Project, the phenomenal, life-changing writing community I had the privilege of being a part of this summer. Well, one of the many fab things about this experience was that I earned 3 graduate-credits for the work that I did this summer - that translates to more that $1000, and gets me three credits closer to a raise. No small deal.

We also had the option of either receiving some technology (digital camera and voice recorder) or taking another 3-credit hour class for free this fall. In June this was a no-brainer - I learned so much this summer, that of course I would take the class (not to mention the financial benefits).

Now I'm absolutely sure this was the wrong choice. I feel way over my head, though a certain amount of that feeling is simply that I want instead to focus on different things. It's not that this class is a waste of time, because it's not. I have already learned a ton about writing, but the point of this class is to develop Professional Development in regards to Writing Across the Curriculum - and I, at least at this point in my life, have no intention of facilitating PD. In fact, as you may remember, in October really my future is full of work as a massage therapist.

So this is where my amazement comes in. I am in awe of people who get this kind of stuff. Who can organize something like this. Who have the confidence to do something like this.


November - hurry up.

Monday, October 13, 2008

October Blues

Oh Sweet blog - how I miss thee!

Before I begin this entry, please let me assure you all that I LOVE my job. I mean, sure, I'd dig being independently wealthy and spending my days sipping margaritas pool-side while some ripped pool boy fans me, but, if I have to work, this is the greatest job around.

Except during October.

So much about it is so wonderful. An ever-so-slight crispness to the air that allows me to dig out my favorite jeans and tye-dyed hoodie. The astounding colors filling the branches (and my mulching mower that keeps me from having to rake them up). Fresh apple cider. Fresh apples. The greatest holiday - Halloween. The vibrant orange pumpkins everywhere I look. What's not to love?


Inevitably, I get off to a great school-year start with all my new ideas collecting their flavor, with the kids excited and loving being in my new and different classroom, knowing exactly what I want to do and when, and just savoring the joy that is teaching 8th grade ELA.

Then October sneaks in.

And suddenly my ideas fall flat, the kids are used to being in my now boring room and have decided to test me, I feel disorganized, and I start to plot how I could change to a different, easier profession.

I know it's October.

I know it will pass.

But sometimes, 31 days seems like too many flavors.