Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Truth (8 of 100)

Writing 100 truths is much more difficult than I expected.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Truth (7 of 100)

I feel a bit smug and a bit guilty when Ally complains about her father.

Truth (6 of 100)

I'm not sure that getting a dog was a good idea.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Truth (5 of 100)

If I could afford it, I'd quit my job tomorrow.

Truth (4 of 100)

I love my job.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Truth (3 of 100)

You never know how much time you've got left.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Truth (2 of 100)

I need better self control.

Truth (1 of 100)

I am on facebook way too much.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

DMSR (minus the SR)

Perhaps one of the worst things about the dark months is the lack of opportunity to shake my groove thing. I love dancing, especially to live music, and being a hermit from September till May doesn't much help feed my need. But I'm thinking this is about to change.

Back in my college days - well my young college days - people I knew would occasionally go to Boomer's, a nightclub on the east edge of town. I went a couple of times, but didn't much dig it as most of the people there were pretty old (over thirty). I abandoned it and stuck to my serious drinking establishments downtown. I've kept this image of Boomer's as a place for an older crew ever since.

Last night, a friend of mine wanted to go and meet a bunch of other friends there, so I agreed to join her. Turns out, it is still that older crew place, only I've come to understand that I am now one of them!! The horror of that realization soon gave way to the euphoria of boogieing to great (okay - really only decent) live music.

My feet are sore, and my booty is all shook out, but I'm loving life!